The workshop organised at Nottingham Trent University aimed to generate content for The Blender magazine by facilitating a unique and impactful protest against anxiety. During the workshop, students were encouraged to express their thoughts and emotions by writing messages directly addressing anxiety onto mini poster boards. 
The objective of this activity was to provide students with a creative outlet to voice their concerns and frustrations regarding anxiety. By channelling their feelings into these personalized messages, participants had an opportunity to confront anxiety directly and create a powerful visual representation of their collective stand against it. 
The resulting mini poster boards became powerful artefacts of self-expression, capturing the students' resilience and determination to raise awareness about the impact of anxiety on individuals' lives. These visual messages served as a reminder of the strength and unity within the student community and provided a platform for important conversations surrounding mental health. 
The content generated from this workshop became a part of The Blender magazine, allowing the students' voices to be amplified and shared with a wider audience. By showcasing their messages and perspectives, the magazine aimed to promote understanding, empathy, and support for individuals dealing with anxiety while fostering a sense of community and empowerment among its readers.
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