As part of my final year project at university, I collaborated with two fellow students and partnered with Raw Print, Intern Magazine, and Student Support at Nottingham Trent University to create a publication called "The Blender" magazine. 
This inclusive magazine is centred around mental health and wellbeing, aiming to foster a sense of community among students. With our diverse backgrounds as a group of girls from mixed heritages, we wanted to create a platform that embraces and unites students from all walks of life. Hence, we named it "The Blender" to symbolize the blending together of different experiences and perspectives.
 The issue, titled "Unity 2020," delves into the exploration of various societal groups, aiming to normalize the fact that we all face challenges in life. Through interviews, we share the stories and lessons learned by individuals, allowing readers to connect and relate to their experiences. By fostering this connection, we hope to promote empathy, understanding, and a sense of unity among our readers.
Let's have a laugh together!
 'Fossil Fuel' aimed to establish a connection between younger, student consumers and individuals nearing the end of their careers. Our intention was to provide inspiration and offer a sense of reassurance to students who may feel overwhelmed by the uncertainties surrounding their futures. 
In this content piece, we had the opportunity to interview Miriam Williams, who reflected on her career journey. Miriam's wisdom and experience served as a guiding light for students, as she encouraged them to always 'dream bigger' and emphasized that she had accomplished everything she set out to achieve. 
By sharing stories like Miriam's, our aim was to instil a sense of hope and confidence in our readers, reminding them that their dreams are within reach and that success can be attained with determination and perseverance.​​​​​​​
Sister Sister 
Our collaboration with sisters Maddie and Immy led to the creation of a content piece titled "Sister Sister." This piece provided a platform for both sisters to share their personal reflections on mental health and well-being during their university journey. 
Through their individual experiences, Maddie and Immy opened up about their challenges, triumphs, and the impact that university life had on their mental well-being. By candidly discussing their own struggles, they created a relatable and empathetic space for others who may be going through similar experiences.
 "Sister Sister" served as an insightful exploration of the complexities surrounding mental health in the context of higher education. Through their collaboration with our publication, the sisters contributed to a broader conversation about mental health, reminding students that they are not alone in their experiences. Their story served as a source of inspiration, resilience, and support for others navigating the intricate landscape of university life and mental well-being.
We had a strong vision of involving university students in all of our collaborations for "The Blender" magazine. Among our collaborators was Marta (@martadraws), her vibrant and captivating designs really brought life into the publication. In addition, we had the pleasure of collaborating with Gabe Vangiap, a skilled graphics student who designed the striking front cover of the magazine. Gabe's creative vision and proficiency in graphic design played a vital role in crafting an eye-catching cover. 
By actively engaging university students like Marta and Gabe, we not only showcased their remarkable talents but also provided a platform for emerging artists and designers to shine. These collaborations infused "The Blender" with a fresh, youthful perspective while nurturing a sense of community and support within the university creative sphere.
We had the privilege of sharing compelling and impactful personal stories directly from ourselves and fellow students, shedding light on their experiences of growing up as persons of colour. These first-hand narratives provided powerful insights into the challenges, triumphs, and unique journeys faced by individuals from diverse backgrounds.
 Additionally, we had the honour of featuring the work of talented student artist Charlotte Henry. Her exceptional artwork, showcased above, added a visually captivating element to the magazine. Charlotte's contributions brought depth and artistic expression, further enhancing the storytelling experience and engaging readers on a profound level. 
By combining these personal stories and artistic creations, we aimed to foster understanding, empathy, and awareness about the experiences of individuals from diverse racial backgrounds. Through the platform of "The Blender" magazine, we strived to amplify these voices, create a sense of unity, and promote meaningful conversations surrounding race, identity, and inclusion.
University students had the opportunity to share comical yet inspiring personal stories that encapsulated the essence of growing up. These stories, filled with anecdotes and life lessons, highlighted the mistakes we make along the way and the importance of embracing our true selves. 
"The Fat Kid," written by Ethan Williams, offers a glimpse into his personal journey of growing up as the largest student in his class. In a brave and determined act, Ethan decides to sign up for the 100m race on sports day at his school, fully aware that he might come last. Despite the outcome, he takes immense pride in his decision to step far beyond his comfort zone and push himself to new limits. Ethan's story serves as an inspiring reminder that personal growth often comes from embracing challenges and venturing beyond what feels familiar or safe. His willingness to participate in the race, regardless of the result, demonstrates his courage and determination to defy his own limitations.
 Through sharing these relatable and uplifting narratives, "The Blender" magazine aimed to entertain, inspire, and encourage readers to embrace their own unique journeys of self-discovery and personal growth.
As an element of our integrated marketing campaign, we introduced a series of stickers designed by the students who participated in the 'Protest Against Anxiety' workshop that we organized. These stickers served as visual representations of their creativity and unique perspectives on the topic of anxiety. The workshop provided a platform for students to express their thoughts and emotions surrounding anxiety through artistic means. 
The sticker designs showcased a diverse range of artistic styles and messages, capturing the essence of their experiences and providing a powerful visual representation of their collective voice. By incorporating these student-designed stickers into our marketing campaign, we aimed to raise awareness about anxiety while also celebrating the creativity and resilience of the participants. 
These stickers not only served as promotional materials but also acted as thought-provoking conversation starters, encouraging dialogue and understanding around the topic of mental health. The collaborative nature of this initiative emphasized the importance of involving students in the creative process and harnessing their artistic talents to drive meaningful change and promote awareness
As part of our comprehensive route to consumer plan, we created captivating poster designs and engaging mock-ups of our Instagram page. These visual elements were strategically developed to attract and connect with our target audience.
 Our Instagram page, @the_blender, served as a dynamic platform where we shared compelling content, thought-provoking stories, and inspiring artwork. By visiting the page, viewers were immersed in a vibrant and inclusive community that celebrated diverse perspectives and fostered meaningful conversations.
 The poster designs were carefully crafted to capture the essence of our brand and communicate our message effectively. These visually appealing posters served as promotional tools, enticing individuals to explore our Instagram page and become part of our engaged audience.
 Through the mock-ups, we provided a glimpse of the visually captivating content and engaging interactions that awaited visitors on our Instagram page. These mock-ups aimed to showcase the unique experience and value that users would gain by connecting with our brand. 
Take a closer look at our Instagram page, @the_blender, where you'll find an array of captivating content, inspiring stories, and the collective voices of our vibrant community.
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